The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu) has been published since 1957, in either Japanese or English. Four issues are released per year. Online version is also available at the following site: [Please enter "Quaternary Research" in the Search Titles window]
Six issues per year of the Quaternary Newletter (Daiyonki-Tsushin) in Japanese are published since 1994. Back numbers are available [PDF].
Map, and field and technical guides
- Digital Book: Progress in Quaternary Research in Japan, 2nd edition (CD-ROMj, JAQUA, 2013
- Quaternary Perspectives -The Earthfs Present Status and Near Future-, University of Tokyo Press, 2007
- 14C Ages of the Japanese Prehistory, JAQUA, 2000
- Inventory of Quaternary Outcrops -Tephras in Japan-, JAQUA, 1996
- A Handbook of Quaternary Research, University of Tokyo Press, 1993
- Atlas of Japanese Archaeology, University of Tokyo Press, 1992
- Quaternary Research Looks at the Future of Nature in Japan, Kokon-Shoin, 1987
- Quaternary map of Japan, University of Tokyo Press, 1987
- The Quaternary Period: Recent Studies in Japan, University of Tokyo Press, 1977